oddnessmostly <$BlogRSDURL$>

Thursday, October 16, 2003

In the entry below, which is to say the entry immediately previous to this entry, it is not my intent to suggest that the heavenly bodies conspire against us, only that they conspire amongst themselves. It may be that they do conspire against us, I cannot know this to be either true or untrue. It certainly does appear at times that the heavenly bodies do conspire against us, against me. It is not likely, however, that they do, is it? It cannot be that the heavenly bodies conspire against me. What could I possibly have done to call their attention to my barely existent existence? Even if they were somehow made aware of my existence I can see no reason why they might conspire against me. If only they would. If only they knew of me and turned against me. That would give a meaning of celestial dimensions, as it were, to my dreary, soil bound... But no, do not consider it. Do not even consider that the stars and planets know you, attend you in any fashion, conspire to disrupt your heart and mind and soul, foil your every effort. There can be no such conspiring.

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