Friday, August 27, 2004
There's been an elevation lowered now and how it's come to pass is inexplicable.
There is a hint of system in it; in the lows, the highs, the levellings. There is, must be some system. It's a system not to follow nor be freed from but to flow.
The words that cousin up here make for wonder or brief ponderings of one thing and another.
There is a hint of system in it; in the lows, the highs, the levellings. There is, must be some system. It's a system not to follow nor be freed from but to flow.
The words that cousin up here make for wonder or brief ponderings of one thing and another.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
So here then is this thing. Here, I say, as it is a thing much like a place. Then, I say, because it was. Then it was. Here it is. I say so. This that I say, these things that I say, you needn't know them. This is strictly need to know. Everything I might say is terribly important. Every word I speak is meant for many bibles. It is true. An angel told me so. Some angels lie, but I do not think it so with this one. Some others lie as much as angels. You lie like an angel. I lie like an angel aflame in the pit, I do and how the angel laughs there burning. How he now speaks to me and speaks and speaks and speaks while laughing and burning as well there is with this laughter.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Time was this was a way of awakening voices. Now the throat's exposed to idiot eyes and ridiculous knives and voices have split, have scattered.