oddnessmostly <$BlogRSDURL$>

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

So here then is this thing. Here, I say, as it is a thing much like a place. Then, I say, because it was. Then it was. Here it is. I say so. This that I say, these things that I say, you needn't know them. This is strictly need to know. Everything I might say is terribly important. Every word I speak is meant for many bibles. It is true. An angel told me so. Some angels lie, but I do not think it so with this one. Some others lie as much as angels. You lie like an angel. I lie like an angel aflame in the pit, I do and how the angel laughs there burning. How he now speaks to me and speaks and speaks and speaks while laughing and burning as well there is with this laughter.

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